Just a couple days left until Blueberries Consulting XXV Seminario international Blueberries Chile at San Francisco Mostazal/ Monticello. Make sure to come and speak with the team on what Cocogreen substrates have to offer for your Blueberry crops. Solo faltan un par de días para Blueberries Consulting XXV, Seminario internacional Blueberries Chile en San Francisco Mostazal/ Monticello. […]

Blueberries Consulting XXV, Seminario internacional Blueberries Chile
Just a couple days left until Blueberries Consulting XXV Seminario international Blueberries Chile at San Francisco Mostazal/ Monticello.
Make sure to come and speak with the team on what Cocogreen substrates have to offer for your Blueberry crops.
Solo faltan un par de días para Blueberries Consulting XXV, Seminario internacional Blueberries Chile en San Francisco Mostazal/ Monticello.
Asegúrate de venir y hablar con nuestro equipo sobre lo que los sustratos Cocogreen tienen que ofrecer para tus cultivos de arándanos.
11th April 2023